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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie

Dear colleagues, 

The Technical University of Munich is proud to host the 55th Annual Conference of the German Society for Mass Spectrometry (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS).

The conference will be held from March 10-13 2024 on the TUM School of Life Sciences Campus in Freising-Weihenstephan. Freising is the oldest city between Regensburg and Bolzano, boasts the oldest brewery in the world, is the birthplace of TUM yet one of the youngest cities in Germany.

We are looking forward to four days of exciting science including lectures and workshops as well as an exhibition showcasing the latest and greatest in technology and applications.

This year, we aim for staging the youngest and most diverse DGMS conference ever – so don’t wait but sign up today!

DGMS 2024 Organizing Team

LOCAL ORGANIZING TEAM: Katharina Eiseler • Timo Stark • Michael Gigl • Corinna Dawid • Bernhard Küster • Mathias Wilhelm • Stephanie Wilhelm • Christina Ludwig (ltr) • Sofia Battaglia (not pictured)